National Active and Retired Federal Employees:
New Mexico Federation

Official Slogan: The “E” is silent but we are not!


Important NARFE News

  • I'm pleased to announce that we have 14 NARFE members from New Mexico who will attend Fedcon24 in St. Louis, MO in August, and 5 members from Arizona who will attend. This total includes 2 National Members. We're thankful to our New Mexico Chapters that are also providing reimbursement support to their attendees, along with our Federation reimbursements. While at the Conference, we will also have our own SW Federation Meeting for those from New Mexico and Arizona attending Fedcon24. We look forward to meeting together with our own SW members, as well as with dedicated NARFE members from around the nation! We will report on the results of Fedcon24 to you after the Conference.
  • As you know, NARFE will hold National Officer Elections this Fall for the offices of National President, National Secretary/Treasurer, and Regional Vice Presidents. The candidate statements have now been published, and we encourage everyone to read them as you ponder whom to vote for. The statements can be found online at, or on pages 50-61 of the June-July NARFE Magazine which you will receive shortly in the mail. The September issue of NARFE Magazine will include instructions for voting online or by mail.
  • Thanks to our SW Federation Vice President Marlene Seaton, we now have a link to the National Alzheimer's website where our NARFE members can make online contributions to Alzheimer's research. This is particularly helpful for members whose chapters meet online (Zoom) or infrequently in person, and for our National Members. But anyone can make a contribution. We encourage you to do so! We're proud that NARFE is a major sponsor of Alzheimer's in combating this terrible disease that afflicts so many in our nation and around the world. Here is the link: Alzheimer's Association website. After clicking on the link, click on the box "Donate" in the upper right corner to make your contribution. Many thanks!

  • If you or your chapter members have questions about any of these three items, please contact me.

    Best regards,

    Mark Mickelsen
    Federation President
    Tel. or text: (720) 205-0251

    New Mexico/Arizona Merger

  • The National Executive Board approved the New Mexico and Arizona Federation of chapters. The details are here.
  • You can read our President's letter for details. You read President Mickelsen's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the merger here, and the signed MOU between the AZ and NM presidents here.
  • Who we are

    Your Federal Benefits Experts.


    As the only organization solely dedicated to the general welfare of all federal workers and retirees, NARFE delivers valuable guidance, timely resources and powerful advocacy. For nearly a century, NARFE has been a trusted source of knowledge for the federal community, Capitol Hill, the executive branch and the media.

    Since NARFE’s founding in 1921, the association’s mission has been to defend and advance the earned pay and benefits of America’s civil servants. Today, NARFE’s team of professional lobbyists continues to work tirelessly on behalf of the federal community. Supported by grassroots activists, NARFE is a leading voice in Washington and across the country. Federal benefits and retirement plans are unique, complex and subject to change.

    NARFE provides both federal workers and retirees with the clear, reliable and accessible counsel they need to make critical decisions and gain confidence in a secure future. NARFE webinars, training conferences, magazine, online benefit resource library, and individual counseling services all offer in-depth expertise on key issues.


    As a member of NARFE you receive:
    • NARFE magazine — The prime source of information and guidance on critical legislation and benefit issues.
    • Access to a team of Federal Benefits specialists for answers to complex benefit questions.
    • Legislative alerts on issues that impact the federal community. Our online Legislative Action Center gives you quick and easy access to your member of Congress
    • Legislative alerts on issues that impact the federal community. Our online Legislative Action Center gives easy access to your member of Congress.
    • Member-only discounts on products and services you use regularly, as well as eligibility for scholarships and disaster relief grants.


    When you join NARFE, you will protect your earned pay and benefits, ensure you can get trusted guidance on complex pay and benefit questions, and support the federal community. Not a member? Find an application to join here.

    Legislation Action Center

    Find out what the current congressional activity is and take action.